Research & Development

CIT-013 Dual Mode of Action

CIT-013 targets NETs by binding to citrullinated Histones H2A and H4, key components of NETs, while leaving all remaining neutrophil functions intact.

Firstly, CIT-013 acts upon the final stage of NETosis when the cell membrane becomes permeable at a discrete site to allow CIT-013 to bind its epitope on the decondensing chromatin, inhibiting, rupturing and releasing extracellular traps.

CIT-013 binding to NETs after the NETosis pathway of Neutrophil is activated

Secondly, CIT-013 binding to NETs and netting neutrophils forms an immune complex which, because CIT-013 has a function Fc region, engages macrophages to phagocytose the NETs.

As a consequence, CIT-013 binds both tissue NETs to enhance their clearance and also bind netting neutrophils to block the production of more NETs at source.

Peer reviewed scientific publications from Citryll that support these findings can be found at Publications

CIT-013 binding to NET fragments induces phagocytosis by a macrophage